Based on the Cormac McCarthy tale of a widower (Viggo) and his son (Kodi Smit-McPhee), the movie follows the two as they struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Viggo, who was honored by the AFI at the event, said of his young co-star, "I felt such affection for the boy who I didn't know before this. Now he is like my son."
Reflecting on what he gained by portraying this role, Viggo said, "I think telling the story made me value just being alive and having family members who are alive, having friends. It's a simple thing, really, but it's like in any work of art, great painting, piece of music, a movie, that in the end tells you something that you already knew...A movie that tells you that and earns that like this one does, it's worth its weight in gold."
Charlize, who plays his deceased wife, said she "really responded to the book." It "made me realize that even given the worst case scenario, that there's great hope in us as human people and we can't forget that," said the actress.
'The Road' opens in theaters abroad on November 25.~
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